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Sunday, December 19, 2010

{ O Christmas Tree }

I admit that I am one of those people who upon taking down the Halloween decorations immediately starts decorating for Christmas, I can't help it, I get too excited to wait! Our Christmas tree brings so much peace and joy into our home during the holidays, it's pains me to take it down when all is said and done. I love each and every ornament on this tree for a different reason, but of course I couldn't photograph all of them so here are some highlights. I do have 3 other mini trees that I decorate with extra special ornaments that I will post pictures of throughout the week, along with all the other decor, there is just so much!


  1. Gorgeous tree. Great photography too. What settings did you use?

  2. I feel the exact same way - love your tree!

  3. Thanks Ladies!

    Candice- I still have a lot to learn about settings but I used these settings to start off and worked from there.
